क्याम्पसमा साप्ताहिक खेलकुद कार्यक्रम सुरु
21th Magh 2080
यस क्याम्पसको अतिरिक्त क्रियाकलाप समितिको निर्णय अनुसार माघ २१ गते आइ...
Read MoreAbout Us
Sunsari Multiple campus was established in Inaruwa in 2037 BS. Under the leadership of Shyam Prasad Gupta, who was parliament member, it established, with the assistance of educationists and stakeholders. They realized the importance of university education in this location. After their dedication, the community campus established with the affiliation of 'Tribhuvan University'. At initiative days, classes had been conducted at Shree Bhagwati Secondary School, Inaruwa-1, Sunsari. At that time, we offered the courses of I.A., I.Com., BA and B.Com. But now college has its own land and buildings. So, it facilitates the courses of Management, Education and Humanities form +2 to Master's level. Masters programme facilitated in 2071 B.S. in Management stream and 2076 B.S. in education stream.
After continuing Masters programme, the college has been producing skilled manpower and they are contributing in different sectors of the nation for enhancing the lever of competency, the campus has formulated five years strategic plan in 2017 AD. The purpose of this strategic plain is; to cope with changing scenario of dynamic environment in education sector.
SMC is committed for excellence and higher level of educational quality in this region. This campus makes the higher education accessible for the poor and marginal community at reasonable cost. It is expected that college produces skilled and qualified human resources, which is the needed for our society for economical, technological and cultural transformation. It is our dream and it will be materialized soon. In edition, we make every activity more transparent and earn of stakeholders. Furthermore, we are going to use high level of technology to make our educational system more competitive, reliable and result oriented.
We have already linked with the UGC and we follow the instructions of it. It is hoped that mutual cooperation and understanding between these two institutions will lead this campus to right direction. Quality education is our motto, student is our priority and we believe in devotion and honesty.

Goal of Campus
- To develop and expand Sunsari Multiple campus as an excellent education centre in this region. Objective
- To establish Sunsari Multiple Campus as an excellent and autonomous educational centre.
- To manage able and inclusive manpower for quality education.
- To expand and increase the internal capacity and service area of this campus with the help of increment in educational quality, proper records and information system.
- To help in the eradication of social, economic and gender discrimination by providing access to higher education to the underprivileged students.
- To prepare necessary physical infrastructure and good environment for developing and expanding Sunsari Multiple Campus as an excellent educational centre.
- To make this campus physically and economically sustainable.
- To develop and expand Sunsari Multiple Campus as an excellent educational centre with the participation of stakeholders.
- To develop campus as a standard educational Centre by managing a well facilitated modern library.
- To encourage faculties and make them devoted to the campus, 70% faculof ties will be permanent.

Vison of Campus
Vison of Sunsari Multiple campus is " to develop it self as a pioneer education institution of Koshi Province in terms of quality education"
Message From Campus Chief

Sunsari Multiple Campus established in 2037 B.S. From the its established dateऽ, it has faced many ups and down to exist in present situation. The college has produced different types of skilled manpower and they are contributing in private, non-government and government sectors. It is glorious achievement for the college and college family is proud of it. Based on, this reference, in addition, we are trying to make university education competitive and assuring to enhance the skill and knowledge. As a result, students become competitive. Based on contemporary demand, we will focus on research-based education. We will encourage to our faculties and students for involving in research activities. To move in right path, a strategic plan has been drafted for five years. On the basis of strategic plan, we have determined our goal, that is improvement of teaching and learning activities and construct new infrastructures. For it, University Grand Commission, Inaruwa Municipality, various organizations, citizens of Inaruwa Municipality and our parents and students will be cooperative and I am assured of this cooperation. Thank You Ramesh Kumar Mandal Campus Chief Sunsari Multiple Campus. ...Read More
Message From Chairman Of VOICE OF CHAIRPERSON
The campus was established in 2037 B.S. During that time Shyam Prasad Gupta was parliament member and he contributed for its establishment. At that time, the campus was landless and did not have its own building and other infrastructure as, as a result, the campus used the infrastructures of Bhagwati Secondary School. But now, it has its own buildings and sophisticated room so the campus has been offering the courses from +2 to Masters lever. It provides different facilities to the students. In future, the campus will be student friendly and well-facilitated. For it coordinates with the stakeholders. Because of this coordination, a management committee is formed. The committee is devoted for upgrading the campus, for it I assure to the stakeholders. I believe, all stakeholders cooperate with us and the campus will provide quality education and contribute for the local development. Raju Dhakal Chairperson Campus Management Committee Sunsari Multiple Campus, Inaruwa
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